FOSS Stages
[hide]- 1 Stages in the life-cycle of Spoken Tutorials
Stages in the life-cycle of Spoken Tutorials
Before Creation: Checklist Test
1. Please go through the Checklist criteria given in the link above and understand them thoroughly.
2. You will need to take an online test based on the Checklist before you begin contributing content. So, learn the criteria and their reasons thoroughly.
3. Once you are ready, write to the Project Manager heading Creation of Spoken Tutorials at
4. She will tell you the procedure to take this test.
5. You have to clear this test with 80%. After clearing the test, you can proceed to the next stage.
6. If you do not clear the test, then you will have to re-attempt the same after 15 days.
Click here for guidance on Self-Learning-Materials available on
After Checklist Test: Creating accounts
- Create an account for yourself on
- You will receive a mail with an authentication link
- Click on that link and complete the required verification
- Login to the website using your username and password
- Click on Creation tab and select Creation Dashboard from the drop-down
- Click on "Add me as contributor" link
- Initimate the Project Manager - Creation, that you have done so
- Share your username with her so that she can authenticate your role as contributor
- Once done, we will create an account for you on and share the details with you
For any assistance, please contact us.
Learning activity
- Go through the screencasting videos and learn how to create a screencast video
- Create a sample 2 min video and submit for Admin review
- Go through the LaTeX tutorials and learn LaTeX
- Create sample slides and submit for Admin review to the Project Manager heading Creation
- She will give you a feedback on the quality of your work
- On approval from the Project Manager, proceed further
Stage 0: Introduction text on the FOSS page
This is a one-time creation process for a FOSS
1. Identify the FOSS (name of the FOSS)
2. Mention the version number of the FOSS
3. Mention the OS used
4. At this point, please add this sentence
Please see the associated text box of individual spoken tutorials on the website to decide the versions of software and OS to which it is applicable.
5. A brief description about the FOSS
6. A brief list of usage (where and how it can be used)
7. List of people-groups who will benefit (optional)
8. Pre-requisite knowledge of any software (optional)
9. Name of the contributor(s) who wrote the outline and scripts and affiliation
Here the Introduction stage is complete.
An Admin Verification will be done after this stage. Here is what we will check.
Stage 1: Outline and Topics
This is a one-time creation process for a FOSS
Create Outline for the chosen FOSS
- Request the Project Manager heading Creation of Spoken Tutorials to share the Course Outline template with you
- Fill in the meta-data required for the FOSS series
- List all the Topics for the FOSS series
- Chunk the Topics into 2/3 levels
- Basic - Intermediate - Advanced or
- Basic - Advanced
- Take up Basic Level first
- List out the content to be covered in each topic in bullet points
- Do the same for the Intermediate and Advanced levels (at a convenient time)
- Submit the outline for review (Admin and Domain reviews)
- Improvise the Outline based on the comments and suggestion given by the concerned Domain reviewer and the Project Manager heading Creation
- Once frozen, this outline should be uploaded on the Outline wiki page. The details for this will be provided by the Project Manager heading Creation
Here the Outline stage is complete.
- Create a link named Glossary on the outline page.
- When clicked, it should lead to a page on which each contributor to this FOSS will enter the technical terms used in the scripts with the definitions for those terms. These could be domain-specific terminology, abbreviations, acronyms, etc... Ideally, this should be an alphabetical list.
A Domain Review will be done after this stage to ensure the pedagogy of the FOSS outline. Here is what we will check.
Once done, other contributors can be included for the next stages.
Click here to view a sample outline page
Stage 2: Create a template for the slides
Creation of template is a one-time process
- Pls use the same slide template design/colour for all the tutorials for this FOSS.
- This helps improve the aesthetic look of the tutorials by its uniformity.
- They will look like they belong to the same FOSS domain.
- The slides should be created using Beamer (LaTeX)
- Use minimum 17pt on LaTeX Beamer slides.
- All slides should have the Spoken Tutorial logo
- The first slide should have
- The name of the Topic (tutorial)
- The credits to the Mission, project, url-links, etc...
- Script-writer + institute affiliation and narrator + institute affiliation
1-contributor sample 2-contributors sample 3-contributors sample Group contributor sample - The date of creation
- The second slide should clearly mention
- The Learning Objectives Learning objectives sample
- The third slide should clearly mention
- The software version number
- The operating system used OS-version sample
- The fourth slide should clearly mention Pre-requisites, if any, as follows
- Knowledge of some software like C, vi, Linux, Emacs, PHP, Java
- Reference to a spoken tutorial in this series or another software series
- All of the above OS-version sample
- The last slides should have text as shown in these samples -
Here the Slide Template stage is complete.
Submit the slide template to the Project Manager heading Creation of Spoken Tutorials for review at Here is what we will check.
Once you get the approval for the template, zip all the files used for creating the template, upload and link it on the Outline page.
Other contributors can download this folder and use the same slide template.
Click here to view the Acknowledgement script Script-Format
Click here to view the Title and Acknowledgement tex file TEX-Format
Stage 3: Script
General Instructions
- We recommend that you use LibreOffice Writer to type your script
- In LibreOffice Writer, the script should be typed in wiki-markup so that you can directly copy and paste it later
- To see a sample wiki-markup script, please visit English-script and do the following -
- Login to script-wiki, since you have an account there
- Click on the edit tab
- Now copy and paste the wiki-markup script to your document in LibreOffice Writer
- Type out your script exactly like the sample using the pipes "|-", "|" and "||" as shown
- Save this script for uploading later
Script-Writing Instructions
- Take up one Topic from the Basic Level (similar for Intermediate and Advanced levels)
- Read the Guidelines for writing a script Summary and Details
- A Sample 2-column script is available here
- A good script has a lot of demonstrations (75%) interspersed with slides of text (25%) elaborating various features
- Write the script for the chosen topic in the 2-column format as explained above
- Every script should end with the text given in the Acknowledgement link. (Refer to Stage 2 point 11)
- Prepare the corresponding slides for the script.
- Use the slide template created in Stage 2
- You are required to create slides whenever there is a long narration without any corresponding activity on the screen
- The purpose of using Slides is to keep the viewer engaged
- The text on the slides should be in bullet points. The text should be precise and to the point
- See to it that the text on the slides correspond to the script wherever it is used
- Please use at least 17pt font-size for the text
- While creating the code files in the Text Editors, use at least font size 24-monospace
- Review it against the Script Checklist and make the required modifications
- Get all the components validated by a novice using the User-feedback Checklist and if required make the modifications
(You may approach the Spoken Tutorial Team for help in finding a novice at
Uploading Instructions
- Once you have revised your script and corresponding files, upload the same on the website. To do so,
- Zip the tex file, the pdf file, the logos used
- Zip all the code/tech files used
- Zip all the assignment files
- Login to the website
- On the Home Page, click on Creation tab and select Creation Dashboard in the drop-down
- Locate the Contributor panel
- Click on Upload/Update tutorials link
- Select the FOSS Category, Language and Tutorial Name from the drop-down lists
- In the first part of the page, the meta-data of the selected topic will be displayed
- In the second half, which is highlighted in pink colour, you will see all the 8 components listed
- There will be 1 icon, namely, the Upload icon, visible to the extreme right of each component
- For some components, 2 icons will be visible, namely, Upload and "Not Required" status
- First of all upload the Outline. This should be taken from the Course Outline for that FOSS
- Then upload the Script, Slides zip file, Code zip files, Assignment file(s), Pre-requisite and Keywords. The script is the same one you created using the General Instructions given above
- If you don't have Code files or Assignment or Prerequisite for that particular tutorial, then select "Not Required" status
- Please note there are 7 uploads at this point
Review Instructions
- The Project Manager will get an expert-review and an admin check done
- Remarks will be posted on the Upload Interface itself
- If changes are to be made post expert-review or admin check, pls make the required modifications and upload again
Here the Script stage is complete.
Submit the script to the Spoken Tutorial team for review at Here is what we will check
P.S. Additonal information
- You may want to read more on Pedagogy and different pedagogical approaches
Stage 4: Tutorial
Recording Instructions
- Read the Guidelines for narrating a spoken tutorial
- Read the Guidelines for screencasting a spoken tutorial
- Create a tutorial based on the "reviewed" script
- Please see that the recording dimensions are not lesser than 800x600 pixels
- Please also keep the aspect ratio at 4:3 only
- On the web-browser, please enlarge the address bar fonts.
- There is this add-on in Firefox which enlarges the address bar font for any web-page.
- Available on this link -
- First go to the above links and click on ADD TO FIREFOX.
- Open Firefox >> Click on Tools >> Add-ons >> Install.
- When not required, click on DISABLE else ENABLE.
- On the Linux terminal, for the commands, please use font-size 20 or above. To do so,
- Open the Linux terminal window
- Click on Edit >> Profile Preferences
- In the General Tab, uncheck the box for Use the system fixed width font
- Now click on the default Font and change the font-size to 20 or above
- In the Text Editors, use at least font size 24-monospace
- You may choose to enlarge the cursor, too, to improve visibility
- Highlight the text on the slides or the terminal, using the cursor, whenever required
- Review it against the Tutorial Checklist and make the required modifications
Uploading Instructions
- Once you have revised your video, upload the same on the website
- To do so, login to the website
- On the Home Page, click on Creation tab and select Creation Dashboard in the drop-down
- Locate the Contributor panel
- Click on Upload/Update tutorials link
- Select the FOSS Category, Language and Tutorial Name from the drop-down lists
- In the first part of the page, the meta-data of the selected topic will be displayed
- In the second half, the Video component will be seen highlighted in pink colour
- Click on the Upload icon, visible to the extreme right of Video component
- In the dialog box that opens, browse and upload your video
- For Video Thumbnail time, choose the Minute and Second of the portion from the video, that you would like to appear in the thumbnail
- The first time you upload
- Click on Upload button
- Close the dialog box
- You will come back to the previous page
- The second and subsequent times you upload
- You will see What to do with old video? message
- In drop-down, you will see three options-
- Choose Replace old video if you are doing corrections to the same video you uploaded previously
- Choose Archive old video as Correction if you are replacing the old video due to some major Correction that was pointed out in the old video
- Choose Archive old video as Verison if you are replacing the old video due to Version change in the software
- Click on Upload button
- Close the dialog box
- You will come back to the previous page
- Intimate the IITB Project Manger on completion of this stage or write to []. Here is what we will check
- Again, we are available to assist you at every step.
Review Instructions
- The Project Manager will get an expert-review and an admin check done
- Remarks will be posted on the Upload Interface itself
- If changes are to be made post expert-review, pls do them and submit again.
Here the Tutorial stage is complete.
Submit the tutorial to the Spoken Tutorial team for review at Here is what we will check.
You may at this stage delegate the work among other contributors who desire to participate in this FOSS. Here onwards, you will moderate and review all the work submitted for this FOSS and help fellow-contributors. We are available throughout for any assistance.
You have created your benchmark at this stage. You are now "qualified" to write scripts and create tutorials. All future work in this FOSS will use the above as reference. And for your effort, you will receive an honorarium.