Creators Checklist

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You are here: Main Page >> Spoken Tutorial Processes >> Creators Checklist

Total Honorarium Rs.20,000 for an original Spoken Tutorial on pro-rata basis

Honorarium for Script Rs.12000

  • Script has to be written by the contributor and typed on the wiki
  • Self-verification of the script has to be done
  • The corresponding slides have to be created for the script
  • The slides have to be uploaded and linked to the script wiki-page
  • Changes have to be incorporated after reviews

Checklist for Script

Self Verified

Sl No. Criteria Yes No
0.S The corresponding slides for the script are uploaded and linked on the wiki-page
1.S The written part of the script when read aloud does not exceed 7 minutes
2.S Simple words are used and jargon is avoided
3.S Check for grammar and spelling mistakes
4.S The whole tutorial is easy to understand
5.S The learning objectives are clearly mentioned at the beginning of the script
6.S The prerequisites are clearly mentioned at the beginning of the script
7.S The system requirements are clearly mentioned at the beginning of the script
8.S Verified that all the links given are active
9.S Successfully tried out all the steps in one sitting
10.S Able to successfully achieve the same output results as mentioned in the script

Honorarium for Novice Check (Script & Video) Rs.1000

Honorarium for Domain Check (Script & Video) Rs.1000

  • Verification of the script against the Novice Checklist
  • Submission of the checklist to the Spoken Tutorial Team

Verified with a novice learner

Sl No. Criteria Yes No
00.S Have received the script, slides, Code Files altogether for Novice Review
11.S Check for grammar and spelling mistakes
12.S Check the narration time duration
13.S Easy to understand and follow all the steps
14.S Successfully tried out all the steps mentioned in the script and did the Assignment also in one sitting
15.S Able to start the trial run of the software from scratch and able to follow all the instructions

in the given sequence

Honorarium for Creating the Spoken Tutorial Rs.6000

Checklist for Creating the Spoken Tutorial

Sl No. Criteria Yes No
1.C The recording dimensions are not lesser than 800x600 pixels
2.C The aspect ratio is 4:3
3.C Title Slide and End Slide giving credit to NMEICT and Talk to a Teacher are present
4.C Summary Slide giving the gist is present towards the end
5.C For long narrations, there are slides with corresponding text in bullet points
6.C Voice modulation and expressions are involved wherever and whenever required
7.C There are pauses where ever required
8.C There is no external noise
9.C The tone of the voice is uniform throughout the recording
10.C Cursor movement is in sync with the audio and the screen display
11.C The final filesize is around 10MB
12.C The final time duration is around 10 mins

Payment for Creating.jpeg

Contributors and Content Editors

Nancy varkey, Nirmala, Sanmugam