Spoken Tutorials Website Entity
You are here: Main Page >> Spoken Tutorial Processes >> Spoken Tutorials Website Entity
This document describes the entities of the spoken tutorials website and the attributes of the entities.
Conventions used in this document
- Any attribute starting with a lowercase is generated by the system.
- Any attribute marked with "(system generated)" will be generated automatically but sequence is not guaranteed.
- Any attribute marked "(generated automatically)" will be generated sequentially.
Types of Users - * Anonymous User The type of user who does not want to register. Ideally, we need to provide as much facility as possible to anonymous users so that the initial reluctance to register will go. Should we allow them to rank spoken tutorials? What are the pros and cons? * General User The type of user who registers and hence wishes to contribute and interact on the portal. What is the minimum amount of information we need from these users? * Domain Expert The type of user whose credentials/contributions certify that s/he is an expert in that domain. Is this person an expert in the software or in the domain? In view of this, we can call this person as simply an expert. * Reviewer The type of user whose credentials certify that s/he has the expertise to review scripts and Spoken Tutorials and guide contributors in the process of creating a Spoken Tutorial. The reviewer is to be identified by the national leader. * National Leader This person will lead the effort for a software. S/he will help identify the experts and reviewers for that software. S/he will come up with strategies for promoting the creation and use of spoken tutorials in their software. For example, The type of user(s) who will be responsible for the Outline Document with Examples of a chosen software. S/he will be responsible for completeness of the Spoken Tutorials for that software
User is anyone who visits the site. A user can be logged in and have certain roles or a user can be an anonymous visitor. Every user has a profile with following attributes
- userid (system generated) (Data Type = Autonumber or Replication ID (GUID))
Each user will be assigned a unique system-generated user-id. This will be useful for sorting and data-mining purposes. Type: alpha numeric
- username (Data Type = Alphanumeric Text)
- It cannot exceed 20 characters.
- Allowed characters - uppercase and lowercase text, number, _, -, dot.
- Spaces are not allowed. Spaces before and after the username are stripped.
This is the name the user types for logging on the site/portal. Type: string [Mandatory - one time entry at the time of registration. Cannot be changed]
- password (Data Type = Alphanumeric Text)
- Allowed characters - uppercase and lowercase text, number, _, - and space.
- Minimum 8 characters.
- Should contain atleast one number or special character.
- It should not be same as/similar to the username.
This is the password the user types for logging on the site/portal [Mandatory - one time entry at the time of registration but the user will be given permission to change the password any number of times] Type: string
- email (Data Type = Hyperlink)
- Allowed characters - uppercase and lowercase text, number, _, -, @, +.
- Should contain @ symbol.
- The length of text before and after the @ symbol is >0.
- Has atleast one dot in the text after @.
The email-id the registered users provide on which they wish to receive mails and notifications [Mandatory - one time entry at the time of registration. We could consider giving the user the option to change the emailid]
- First Name (Data Type = Alphanumeric Text)
- Allowed characters uppercase and lowercase text.
The first name of the user [Mandatory - one time entry at the time of registration]
- Last Name (Data Type = Alphanumeric Text)
- Allowed characters uppercase and lowercase text.
The last name of the user [Mandatory - one time entry at the time of registration]
- Organization / Institution (Data Type = Alphanumeric Text)
- Allowed characters uppercase and lowercase text, dot, space,.
The name of the Organization or the Institution the user belongs to [Optional - one time entry at the time of registration]
- Designation (Data Type = Alphanumeric Text)
- Allowed characters uppercase and lowercase text, dot, space,.
The designation the user holds in that Organization or Institution [Optional - one time entry at the time of registration]
- Date of birth (Data Type = Date)
- Allowed characters numbers.
- A separator to separate day, month and year.
The birth-date of the User [Optional - one time entry at the time of registration]
- Roles (Data Type = Lookup List)
- Can only be entered by administrator.
- Select from the drop down box.
The roles assigned to the user depending on credentials (General User / Domain Expert / Reviewer / National Effort Leader) Roles Will be assigned by the Administrator(s)
- Language (Data Type = Lookup List)
- Select from the drop down box.
If the user is interested in accessing Spoken Tutorials in particular languages only, then those will be registered for notification purposes
- Flagged(null/yellow/red) (Data Type = Lookup List)
- Can only be entered by administrator.
- Select from the drop down box.
The user will be flagged according to his contributions and behavior on the portal
(This will be explained in detail in Spoken Tutorial Website Processes)
Script provides the narration for the video. Normally, we would expect the script to be created first and then the video. But it is possible that the script is corrected to be in sync with the video. When a video is available in multiple languages, each language has a separate script file. A dubbed script file can be created manually or automatically. The script consists of the following attributes
- scriptid (system generated) (Data Type = Autonumber or Replication ID (GUID))
Each script will be assigned a unique system-generated script-id. This will be useful for sorting and data-mining purposes
- Title (Data Type = Alphanumeric Text)
- Allowed characters uppercase and lowercase text, numbers, dot, space, _, -, +.
- Maximum characters allowed is 30
The title of the script (assigned by the contributor)
- Video title (Data Type = Alphanumeric Text)
- Allowed characters uppercase and lowercase text, numbers, dot, space, _, -, +.
- Maximum characters allowed is 30
The title of the "Video Topic + the language".
- Author (Data Type = Alphanumeric Text)
- Allowed characters uppercase and lowercase text, numbers, dot, space.
- Will be obtained from Firstname and Lastname in user's profile.
The names of all the contributors of that script
- Date of submission (Data Type = Date)
- Allowed characters are numbers and separators
- The date of submission will be automatically taken from server's date.
The date on which it was uploaded on the portal by the contributor
- Reviewer(s) (Data Type = Alphanumeric Text)
- Allowed characters uppercase and lowercase text, numbers, dot, space.
- Will be obtained from Firstname and Lastname in user's profile.
The names of the reviewer(s) who reviewed the script
- File attachment (Data Type = Hyperlink)
The file-names of any technical files or files with the codes that are being provided along with the Spoken Tutorial, so that users can download and use them
- Language (Data Type = Lookup List)
- Allowed characters are uppercase and lowercase letters.
- Should not be longer than 15 characters
The language in which the script has been written
- Download link (Data Type = Hyperlink)
- Should be a hyperlink.
The link through which the user can download the script for each video (language-specific)
- Revision number (auto generated) (Data Type = Autonumber or Replication ID (GUID))
As software has versions, so should the spoken tutorials and hence the scripts. All language equivalent of the same script should have the same version number. But there need not be any connection between the version number of the script and that of the software.
- Additional comments:
(1) URL of resources
A list of URL that point to the resources, such as installers, required. This can be merged with the download link, given above.
(2) Video title: there can be more than one video for the same script. Suppose that we create one video for a script and pay a honorarium. Suppose that we improve the video later. Should we delete the old one? If we delete, how do we prove that we actually spent the money? In view of this, we would definitely have more than one video for at least some scripts.
(3) Pre-requisites: I was wondering whether pre-requisites should be included. But it is not necessary. Pre-requisites should be at the spoken tutorial level.
Video Topic
Spoken tutorial website will have videos in multiple languages for a given topic. A video topic is a generalization for all videos for a given topic. This entity will form an umbrella entity and will contain attributes that will be common to all language videos for a given topic. Attributes for a video topic are
- videotopicid (system generated) (Data Type = Autonumber or Replication ID (GUID))
Each Video Topic will be assigned a unique system-generated videotopic-id. This will be useful for sorting and data-mining purpose
- softwareid (system generated) (Data Type = Autonumber or Replication ID (GUID))
Each Video Topic will have softwareid(s) to identify which software(s) it belongs to. This will be useful for sorting and data-mining purpose
- Title (Data Type = Alphanumeric Text)
- Allowed characters are uppercase and lowercase letters, spaces, +, -, _, numbers.
- Maximum characters are 30.
Each Video Topic will have a Title (assigned by the contributor)
- Language(s) (Data Type = Lookup List)
- Allowed characters are uppercase and lowercase letters, spaces.
- Maximum characters allowed are 15.
Each Video Topic will have a list of all the languages that it has been dubbed in. User can then choose the language in which s/he wants to view the video for that Video Topic
- Tags (Data Type = Alphanumeric Text)
- Allowed characters are uppercase and lowercase letters, spaces, +, -, _, numbers, dots.
- Tags are separated by comma.
Each Video Topic will have tag(s) to identify it. This will be useful for searching and data-mining purpose
- Category / Subject (Data Type = Lookup List)
- Allowed characters are uppercase and lowercase letters, spaces, +, -, _, numbers.
- Maximum characters allowed are 15.
- Will be selected from the drop down list
If a Video Topic teaches some feature of a software with an example about a particular Category/Subject, then it is recommended to add that here
- Published/Under Review/Rejected (Data Type = Lookup List)
- Allowed characters are upper case and lower case letters and spaces
- To be selected from the drop down list
- Only available to users with administrator privileges.
Once the Video Topic is reviewed and approved for public view, it will be marked as Published. It will then be available on the portal for all users. Otherwise the Video Topic will be marked as Under Review. If it is rejected by the Reviewer/National Effort Leader, then it will be marked as Rejected. It is possible that the rejection can also happen through an automated process that looks at the user feedback. For example, if a lot of viewers comment that a video is rude, the automated process can reject it.
- Software version (Data Type = Alphanumeric Text)
- Allowed characters are uppercase and lowercase letters, number, _, -, dot, +, comma, space, &.
- Maximum characters allowed are 10.
One needs to mention the software(s) version that the Video Topic belongs to.
- Level of difficulty (assigned by the creator / viewers / Reviewers / National Effort Leader) (Data Type = Lookup List)
- Allowed characters are upper case and lower case characters.
- To be selected from the drop down box.
Each Video Topic will be recommended for a particular level of users - Beginner / Intermediate / Advanced depending on the complexity of the tutorial and the pre-requisite knowledge required to understand it
A video is associated with a video topic. For each language available under the video topic, a video will be available. Attributes of a video are
- videoid (system generated) (Data Type = Autonumber or Replication ID (GUID))
Each Video will be assigned a unique system-generated video-id. This will be useful for sorting and data-mining purpose
- videotopicid (Data Type = Autonumber or Replication ID (GUID))
Each Video will belong to a particular Video Topic which has a videotopicid
- softwareid (Data Type = Autonumber or Replication ID (GUID))
Each Video will have softwareid(s) to identify which software(s) it belongs to
- lanaguageid (Data Type = Autonumber or Replication ID (GUID))
Each Video will have a languageid to identify which language it has been created in
- scriptid (Data Type = Autonumber or Replication ID (GUID))
Each Video will have a scriptid to identify the corresponding Script (language-specific) it is linked with. More than one video can point to the same script - see the comments given earlier on this page
- Description (assigned by the contributor) (Data Type = Memo)
- All characters are allowed.
- Will be plain text.
A brief description of the video topic in that specific language
- Level of difficulty (assigned by the Reviewers / National Effort Leader) (Data Type = Lookup List)
- Select from drop down list.
- Allowed characters are uppercase and lowercase letters and spaces.
The recommended level of difficulty for that Video Topic will be displayed (taken from Video Topic)
- Video rating (Data Type = Number)
- Select ratings from 1 to 5.
Users are allowed to rate the videos
- Video attachments (Data Type = Hyperlink)
- Hyperlink to the files
The filenames of any technical files or files with the codes that are being provided along with the Video, so that the user can download and use them (Refer to Scripts)
- Script download link (Data Type = Hyperlink)
- Hyperlink to the video
The link through which the user can download the script for each video (language-specific)
- Published/Under Review/Rejected (Data Type = Lookup List)
- Select from drop down list.
- Allowed characters are uppercase and lowercase characters and spaces.
Once the Video Topic is reviewed and approved for public view, it will be marked as Published. It will then be available on the portal for all users. Otherwise the Video Topic will be marked as Under Review. If it is rejected by the Reviewer/National Effort Leader, then it will be marked as Rejected.
- Archived (Data Type = Yes/No)
- Select from drop down box.
- Boolean yes/no.
If a newer version of the software is being addressed in the video, then the video will have to have archived Spoken Tutorials on the earlier versions. The archived videos would have this tag
- Favourited (Data Type = Yes/No)
- Select from drop down box.
- Boolean yes/no for each profile.
If the video has been marked as "Favourite" by any user, then it will be registered. This will help us to display the Most Popular Videos and for other data-mining operations. It is one of the features of the User customizing the page.
Video revision
- videorevisionid (Data Type = Autonumber or Replication ID (GUID))
Each Video revision will be assigned a unique system-generated videorevisionid. This will be useful for sorting and data-mining purpose
- videoid (Data Type = Autonumber or Replication ID (GUID))
Each Video revision will be linked to a particular video. Hence the videoid of the referred video will be registered here
- Revision number (auto generated) (Data Type = Autonumber or Replication ID (GUID))
This is to keep track of all the revisions for that video. Each revision for that video will have a unique number
- Download link (Data Type = Hyperlink)
This is the link from where the user will be able to download the revised video
Video comments
Each video has separate comment system. Thus each language video under a video topic will have separate comments. This will allow language specific discussion to take place on the portal.
- videoid (Data Type = Autonumber or Replication ID (GUID))
Each Video's unique system-generated video-id will be registered along with the comment. This will be useful for sorting and data-mining purpose (Refer Video)
- commentid (system generated) (Data Type = Autonumber or Replication ID (GUID))
Each Video Comment will be assigned a unique system-generated commentid. This will be useful for sorting and data-mining purpose
- Comment Text (Data Type = Alphanumeric Text)
The text of the comment
- userid (Data Type = Autonumber or Replication ID (GUID))
The id of the user who posted the comment
- timestamp (Data Type = Date/Time)
- The date and time of the comment should be picked up from the server.
Date and time when the comment was posted on the portal
- inreplyto (for threading the comments) (Data Type = blank/commentid)
- commentid of the comment to which the comment was replied to.
- It should be a hyperlink to the comment in reply to which the comment was posted.
If the comment is in reply to an earlier comment/query/threaded discussion, then this field will be checked
- Approved status (Data Type = Lookup List)
- Allowed characters are uppercase and lowercase letter and spaces.
- Status is to be selected from the drop down list.
If the comment is informative and favourable, then this field will be checked. We could also think of promoting these comments to our Blogs section. The National Effort Leader will decide this promotion
- Flagged (Data Type = Lookup List)
- Boolean yes/no.
- Status is to be selected from the drop down list.
If the comment is adverse or detrimental, then this comment will be flagged. We could also think of flagging the user who posted this comment and monitor his/her behaviour on the portal
- Marked SPAM (Data Type = Yes/No)
- Boolean yes/no.
- Status is to be selected from the drop down list.
If the comment is not user-generated and is meant to flood the portal with SPAM, it will be marked as SPAM
- Deleted (Data Type = Yes/No)
- Boolean yes/no.
- Status is to be selected from the drop down list.
At times, the National Effort Leader or Administrator would delete certain comments for various reasons. These will then be marked as Deleted
Video links
- linkid (system generated) (Data Type = Autonumber or Replication ID (GUID))
Each video link will be assigned a unique system-generated linkid. This will be useful for sorting and data-mining purpose
- videoid (Data Type = Autonumber or Replication ID (GUID))
Each video link is related to a particular Video which has a unique videoid. This will be registered (Refer Video)
- URL (Data Type = Hyperlink)
- Hyperlink to the Video
The URL address of that video link
- Marked SPAM (Data Type = Yes/No)
- Boolean yes/no.
- Status is to be selected from the drop down list.
If the URL is not user-generated and is meant to flood the portal with SPAM, it will be marked as SPAM
- Deleted (Data Type = Yes/No)
- Boolean yes/no.
- Status is to be selected from the drop down list.
At times, the National Effort Leader or Administrator would delete certain links for various reasons. These will then be marked as Deleted
Study plan
Study plan represents a list of video topics focused on a software. These study plans would be contributed by the National Effort Leaders or Reviewers for that software. Users would also be allowed to contribute user-generated Study Plans
- studyplanid (system generated) (Data Type = Autonumber or Replication ID (GUID))
Each Study Plan will be assigned a unique system-generated studyplanid. This will be useful for sorting and data-mining purpose
- softwareid (Data Type = Autonumber or Replication ID (GUID))
Each Study Plan will have softwareid(s) to identify which software(s) it belongs to. Again useful for data-mining
- Title (Data Type = Alphanumeric Text)
- Allowed characters are uppercase and lowercase letters, numbers, _, -, +, *, comma, dot.
- Should not be more than 30 characters.
The Title of the Study Plan as given by the contributor
- Description (Data Type = Memo)
- Allowed characters are uppercase and lowercase letters, numbers, _, -, +, *, comma, dot.
- Should not be more than 200 characters.
A brief description of the Study Plan and what the user will learn through this study plan as given by the contributor
- Category / Subject (Data Type = Lookup List)
- Allowed characters are uppercase and lowercase letters, numbers, _, - space, dot.
- Select from the drop down list.
If a Study Plan teaches some feature of a software with an example about a particular Category/Subject, then it is recommended to register that here
- Level of difficulty (Data Type = Lookup List)
- Allowed characters are uppercase and lowercase letters, numbers, _, - space, dot.
- Select from the drop down list.
Each Study Plan will be recommended for a particular level of users - Beginner / Intermediate / Advanced depending on the complexity of the tutorial and the prerequisite knowledge required to understand it
- Ratings (Data Type = Number)
- Select the ratings from 1 to 5.
Users are allowed to rate the Study Plans. If the ratings for any user-generated study plan is exceedingly good, then we could consider promoting it to the recommended study plan lists
- Compiled by (userid) (Data Type = Autonumber or Replication ID (GUID))
- Should automatically get the userid of the person who compiled the study plan.
- Should display the username of the person who compiled the study plan.
The userid of the user who contributed the Study Plan
- videoidlist (Data Type = list of Autonumber or Replication ID (GUID))
Spoken tutorials focus on free and open source software (FOSS). We will maintain a master list of all software, for which videos are available. Each software can have its own page with other details. Attributes of a software entity are
- softwareid (system generated) (Data Type = Autonumber or Replication ID (GUID))
Each Software will be assigned a unique system-generated softwareid. This will be useful for sorting and data-mining purpose
- Name (Data Type = Alphanumeric Text)
The name of the Software
- Logo (Data Type = Alphanumeric Text)
- it should be an image
The logo of the Software
- Description (Data Type = Memo)
- All characters should be allowed.
- Tags should be escaped.
A brief description of the Software
- Homepage URL (Data Type = Hyperlink)
- It should be a hyperlink.
The URL address of the Homepage of that Software
Software resources
Each software will have a list of resources associated with it. These resources could be links to mailing list, websites providing help etc. The attributes for software resource entity are
- softwareresourceid (system generated) (Data Type = Autonumber or Replication ID (GUID))
Each Software Resource will be assigned a unique system-generated softwareresourceid. This will be useful for sorting and data-mining purpose
- softwareid (Data Type = Autonumber or Replication ID (GUID))
Each Software Resource is associated with a particular software(s). The softwareid(s) of that software will be registered here
- URL (Data Type = Hyperlink)
- Should be a hyperlink
The URL address of the Homepage of that Software Resource
- Description (Data Type = Memo)
- All characters should be allowed.
- Tags should be escaped.
A brief description of the Software Resource and how it will help in the learning of the Software
Bids are the open invitations to contribute towards the spoken tutorial project. Bids can be for examples, scripts, spoken tutorials or dubbing. The attributes for the bids entity are
- bidid (system generated) (Data Type = Autonumber or Replication ID (GUID))
Each Bid will be assigned a unique system-generated bidid. This will be useful for sorting and data-mining purpose and for displaying in the relevant Bid Lists later
- Bid Title (Data Type = Alphanumeric Text)
- Allowed characters are uppercase and lowercase letters, numbers, _, -, +, space, dot.
- Maximum characters allowed are 30.
Title of the bid. It provides an overview of the bid.
- Date of publishing (Data Type = Date)
- Should take the current date from the server at the time of publishing.
The date when the bid was registered on the portal
- Date of closing (system-generated) (Data Type = Date)
- Should provide a date picker box.
This date will be calculated by the system as the Bid-start-date + Admin-assigned number of days (Eg-10 or 12 days from the Bid-date)
- Rating(s) (Data Type = Number)
- Ratings will be available from 1 to 5.
All the bids will be rated by the public. Ratings will show the level of interest by the visitors in the bid.
- Bid Type (Data Type = Lookup List)
- Allowed characters are uppercase and lowercase letters and space.
- Drop down box for selecting the bid type.
To register whether the Bid is for an example / a script / a spoken tutorial / a dubbing
- Bid status (Data Type = Lookup List)
- Allowed characters are uppercase and lowercase letters and space.
- Drop down box for selecting the bid status.
These would be Under Review / Under Correction / Accepted / Rejected. Depending on the bid type, it would progress to the next bid list in the sequence
- Language (Data Type = Lookup List)
- Allowed characters are uppercase and lowercase letters and space.
- Drop down box for selecting the bid type.
- Allowed characters are uppercase and lowercase letters.
- Maximum characters allowed is 15.
If the bid is for a dubbing, then the language will have to be registered
- Description (Data Type = Alphanumeric Text)
- Allowed characters are uppercase and lowercase letters, numbers, _, -, +, space, dot.
- Maximum characters allowed are 100.
Description of the bid. It will provide the bidder with the information on what is expected of the bid.
Bids Comments
I am not sure why we need comments on Bids ????? (Please explain)
Since we had decided that once the bid will be complete, it will be viewable by public. So, public can view it, comment on it and rate it. The bids with high number of favourable comments and ratings will be automatically accepted or will be considered by reviewers as higher priority Mehulved 11:10, 11 May 2010 (UTC)
- bidcommentid (system generated) (Data Type = Autonumber or Replication ID (GUID))
A brief comment on the bid
- bidid (Data Type = Autonumber or Replication ID (GUID))
Each Bid will be assigned a unique system-generated bidid. This will be useful for sorting and data-mining purpose and for displaying in the relevant Bid Lists later
- commentid (system generated) (Data Type = Autonumber or Replication ID (GUID))
- userid (Data Type = Autonumber or Replication ID (GUID))
The id of the user who posted the bid comment
- Comment text (Data Type = Alphanumeric Text)
- All characters are allowed.
- Tags should be escaped.
- Maximum characters allowed are 300.
The text of the comment
- timestamp (Data Type = Date/Time)
- Date and time when the comment was published should be picked up from the server.
The date when the bid comment was posted on the portal
- inreplyto (Data Type = blank/commentid)
- Hyperlink to the comment in reply to which the comment was posted.
If the comment is in reply to an earlier comment/query/threaded discussion, then this field will be checked
Bids application
- bidapplicationid (system generated) (Data Type = Autonumber or Replication ID (GUID))
Each Bid Application will be assigned a unique system-generated bidapplicationid. This will be useful for sorting and data-mining purpose and for displaying in the relevant Bid Lists later
- bidid (Data Type = Autonumber or Replication ID (GUID))
Each Bid's unique system-generated bidid will be registered with the Bid Application
- userid (Data Type = Autonumber or Replication ID (GUID))
The userid of the user who is bidding will be registered
- Proposed Completion date (Data Type = Date)
- It should be a date.
- It should be picked up from the date of closing of the bids.
System-generated date of completion (Refer Bids Date of closing)
- Status (Under Review | Under Correction | Accepted | Rejected) (Data Type = Lookup List)
- Allowed characters are uppercase and lowercase letters and spaces.
- Status to be selected from the drop down box.
Depending on the bid type, it would progress to the next bid list in the sequence
- forumid (system generated) (Data Type = Autonumber or Replication ID (GUID))
Unique id for each forum category. This will be useful for sorting and data-mining purposes.
- softwareid (system generated) (Data Type = Autonumber or Replication ID (GUID))
ID of the software to which the forum is associated with.
- topicid (system generated) (Data Type = Autonumber or Replication ID (GUID))
A unique id attached to each topic. This will be useful for sorting and data-mining purposes.
- postid (system generated) (Data Type = Autonumber or Replication ID (GUID))
Each post will have a separate id too. This will be useful for sorting and data-mining purposes.
- username (Data Type = Alphanumeric Text)
- It should display the username of the person who has published the post
Username of the person who has made the post.
- moderated (Data Type = Yes/No)
- Boolean yes/no
- Drop down box to select the moderation status.
Whether the post is moderated or not. If the post is moderated, it will not be visible to normal users.
- Marked as Spam (Data Type = Yes/No)
- Boolean yes/no
- Drop down box to select the spam status.
If the post is inappropriate or spam it can be marked as spam. It won't be visible to normal users anymore.
- Post Content (Data Type = Alphanumeric Text)
- All characters should be allowed.
- Maximum characters allowed are 1000.
- Tags should be escaped.
The content of the post.
- postid(system generated) (Data Type = Autonumber or Replication ID (GUID))
Unique id for each post. This will be useful for sorting and data-mining purposes.
- softwareid (system generated) (Data Type = Autonumber or Replication ID (GUID))
ID of the software to which the post is associated with.
- Title (Data Type = Alphanumeric Text)
- Allowed characters are uppercase and lowercase letters, numbers, _, -, +, dot, space.
- Maximum characters allowed are 30.
Title of the blog post.
- Text (Data Type = Alphanumeric Text)
- All characters are allowed.
- HTML tags are allowed.
- Should allow hyperlinks and media.
Content of the blog post.
- commentid (system generated) (Data Type = Autonumber or Replication ID (GUID))
Each comment will be assigned a unique system-generated commentid. This will be useful for sorting and data-mining purpose
- userame (Data Type = Alphanumeric Text)
- Username of the person who has published the blog post/comment.
Username/Name of the person who has made the post.
- email (Data Type = Hyperlink)
- Should contain @ in the text.
- Allowed characters are uppercase and lowercase letters, @, _, numbers, +, -.
- There should be atleast one characters before and after @.
Email address of the person who has made the post.
- moderated (Data Type = Yes/No)
- Boolean yes/no.
- Drop down box to select the moderation status.
Whether the post is moderated or not. If the post is moderated, it will not be visible to normal users.
- Comment Text (Data Type = Alphanumeric Text)
- All characters are allowed.
- HTML tags are allowed.
- Maximum characters allowed are 300.
Contents of the comment.
- inreplyto (Data Type = blank/commentid)
- Hyperlink to the comment in reply to which the comment was posted.
If the comment is in reply to an earlier comment/query/threaded discussion, then this field will be checked
This is a document in progress. Prepared by Vivek Khurana This document was Reveiwed by Mehul Ved on 10th April 2010 The description for each bullet point and the database field type in this document was contributed by Nancy Varkey on 30th April, 2010