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<search sroffset="10" />
<p ns="0" title="Guidelines for narrating a Spoken Tutorial" snippet=" - The <span class='searchmatch'>meaning</span> of the original narration does not change " size="2960" wordcount="478" timestamp="2012-12-14T06:46:28Z" />
<p ns="0" title="Workshops" snippet="*the Pedagogy, the <span class='searchmatch'>meaning</span> of Pedagogy, how all of them could be potential teachers as well as learner " size="9694" wordcount="1474" timestamp="2012-12-14T06:49:51Z" />
<p ns="0" title="UFB" snippet="|<span class='searchmatch'>Meaning</span> of the content hasn't changed during translation every word will confuse the &lt;br&gt; listeners. Again this could change the <span class='searchmatch'>meaning</span> of the content) " size="9439" wordcount="1398" timestamp="2012-12-14T07:26:01Z" />
<p ns="0" title="RCL" snippet="|<span class='searchmatch'>Meaning</span> of the content hasn't changed during translation every word will confuse the &lt;br&gt; listeners. Again this could change the <span class='searchmatch'>meaning</span> of the content) " size="5672" wordcount="846" timestamp="2012-12-14T07:28:25Z" />
<p ns="0" title="Dubbing Stages" snippet="# Translate the script sentence by sentence in such a way that the <span class='searchmatch'>meaning</span> of the original tutorial is maintained " size="13182" wordcount="1931" timestamp="2019-06-28T13:30:18Z" />
<p ns="0" title="Spoken Tutorial Technology/Dubbing a spoken tutorial using Audacity and ffmpeg/English" snippet="...le to skip a few words or even sentences from the original, so long as the <span class='searchmatch'>meaning</span> is not changed. Please spend sufficient time on this activity. " size="27296" wordcount="3618" timestamp="2012-12-20T12:24:50Z" />
<p ns="0" title="Spoken Tutorial Technology/Dubbing a spoken tutorial using Audacity and ffmpeg/English for Translation" snippet="|so long as the <span class='searchmatch'>meaning</span> is not changed. Please ensure that this is done. " size="11872" wordcount="1923" timestamp="2012-12-20T12:27:41Z" />
<p ns="0" title="Dubbers Checklist" snippet="|<span class='searchmatch'>Meaning</span> of the original content remains the same " size="1994" wordcount="300" timestamp="2015-03-31T13:03:34Z" />
<p ns="0" title="/Dubbing a spoken tutorial using Audacity and ffmpeg" snippet="...le to skip a few words or even sentences from the original, so long as the <span class='searchmatch'>meaning</span> is not changed. Please spend sufficient time on this activity. " size="27293" wordcount="3618" timestamp="2013-01-09T11:38:40Z" />
<p ns="0" title="Dubbing a spoken tutorial using Audacity and ffmpeg" snippet="...le to skip a few words or even sentences from the original, so long as the <span class='searchmatch'>meaning</span> is not changed. Please spend sufficient time on this activity. " size="27293" wordcount="3618" timestamp="2013-01-09T11:38:49Z" />